Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Dancing Men (1984)

Original title: the dancing men
Production: UK|52 min| tv series
Dramatic, Crime, Mystery
a gentleman is baffled when the childish drawings of little dancing men terrify his american wife. sherlock holmes soon discovers why.

Origin of the subject


John Bruceregista

Production and Screenplay

Stuart Doughtyproduttore
Michael Coxproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:51)
David Burke(età:50)
Tenniel Evans(età:58)
Bernard Atha(età:56)

Technical staff

Ray Goodedirettore della fotografia
Chris Gillmontatore
Patrick Gowersmusiche
Michael Grimesscenografo
Glenda Woodtruccatore
Esther Deancostumista