Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the dark past (1948)

Original title: the dark past
Production: USA|75 min|
Thriller, Noir


Rudolph MatéRudolph Matéregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Blankfortsceneggiatore
Philip Mcdonaldsceneggiatore
Oscar Saulsceneggiatore
Malvin Waldsceneggiatore
Albert Duffysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

William HoldenWilliam Holden(età:30)
(Al Walker)
Nina FochNina Foch(età:24)
(nina foch)
Lee J. CobbLee J. Cobb(età:37)
(Andrew Collins, psichiatra)
Adele JergensAdele Jergens(età:31)
(adele jergens)
Steve DunneSteve Dunne(età:30)
(stephen dunne)
Lois MaxwellLois Maxwell(età:21)
(lois maxwell)
Steven GeraySteven Geray(età:44)
(steven geray)

Technical staff

Joseph WalkerJoseph Walkerdirettore della fotografia
George DuningGeorge Duningmusiche
Viola Lawrencemontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1948)