Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Day They Robbed the Bank of England (1960)

Original title: the day they robbed the bank of england
Production: UK|85 min| black and white
Dramatic, Thriller, Crime
Poster of movie The Day They Robbed the Bank of England

Festivals and awards

Bafta 1961 - nomination Best Screenplay
Assigned to: Howard Clewes

Origin of the subject


John GuillerminJohn Guillerminregista

Production and Screenplay

Richard Maibaumsceneggiatore
Jules Buckproduttore
Howard Clewessceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Aldo RayAldo Ray(età:34)
(Charles Norgate)
Peter O'ToolePeter O'Toole(età:28)
(capitano Fitch)
Kieron Moore(età:36)
Hugh GriffithHugh Griffith(età:48)
Andrew KeirAndrew Keir(età:34)
Arthur LoweArthur Lowe(età:46)
Albert SharpeAlbert Sharpe(età:75)
Wolf Frees(età:51)
John WoodJohn Wood(età:30)
John Dunbar(età:4)

Technical staff

Ivy Bakercostumista
Freddie Williamsontruccatore
Edwin Astleymusiche
Joan Johnstoneparrucchiere
Georges Perinaldirettore della fotografia
Peggy Gickscenografo
Irene Howardcasting
Scott MacGregorscenografo