Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Day They Robbed the Bank of England (1960)

Original title: the day they robbed the bank of england
Production: UK|85 min| black and white
Thriller, Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie The Day They Robbed the Bank of England

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


John GuillerminJohn Guillerminregista

Production and Screenplay

Richard Maibaumsceneggiatore
Jules Buckproduttore
Howard Clewessceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Charles Norgate
Aldo RayAldo Ray(età:34)
capitano Fitch
Peter O'toolePeter O'toole(età:28)
Kieron Moore(età:36)
Hugh GriffithHugh Griffith(età:48)
Andrew KeirAndrew Keir(età:34)
Arthur LoweArthur Lowe(età:46)
Albert SharpeAlbert Sharpe(età:75)
Wolf Frees(età:51)
John WoodJohn Wood(età:30)
John Dunbar(età:4)

Technical staff

Ivy Bakercostumista
Freddie Williamsontruccatore
Edwin Astleymusiche
Joan Johnstoneparrucchiere
Georges Perinaldirettore della fotografia
Irene Howardcasting
Scott MacGregorscenografo