Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Dead (1987)

Original title: the dead
Production: Germany, UK, USA|83 min
Poster of movie The Dead
gabriel conroy and wife greta attend an early january dinner with friends at the home of his spinster aunts, an evening which results in an epiphany for both of them.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


John HustonJohn Hustonregista

Production and Screenplay

Wieland Schulz keilproduttore
Tony Hustonsceneggiatore
William J.quigleyproduttore esecutivo
Chris Sievernichproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Anjelica HustonAnjelica Huston(età:35)
(gretta conroy)
Donald Mccann(età:44)
(gabriel conroy)
Helena Carroll(età:59)
(zia kate morkan)
Cathleen Delany(età:80)
(zia julia morkan)
Katherine O'toole
(miss furlong)
Bairbre Dowling(età:34)
(miss Higgins)
Maria Hayden
(miss o'callaghan)
Cormac O'herlihy(età:29)
(mr. joseph kerrigan)
Colm MeaneyColm Meaney(età:34)
(mr. eamond bergin)
Ingrid Craigie
(mary jane)
Dan O'HerlihyDan O'Herlihy(età:68)
(mr. dan browne)
Frank Patterson(età:49)
(bartell d'arcy)
Marie Kean(età:69)
(mrs. malins)
Donal DonnellyDonal Donnelly(età:56)
Sean McclorySean Mcclory(età:63)
(mr. grace)
Maria Mcdermottroe
(molly ivors)
Lyda Anderson
(miss daly)
Kate O'toole(età:27)

Technical staff

Alex NorthAlex Northmusiche
Roberto Silvimontatore
Dorothy JeakinsDorothy Jeakinscostumista
Fred Murphydirettore della fotografia
Fern Buchnertruccatore
Anthony Cortinoparrucchiere
Nuala Moisellecasting
Stephen B. Grimesscenografo
Christopher Shiharparrucchiere
Anne Dunneparrucchiere
Stephen Grimesscenografo
Josie MacAvinarredatore
Keis Maestruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1987)