Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Dirty Dozen (1967)

Original title: the dirty dozen
Production: UK, USA|143 min
Action, War, Adventure
Poster of movie The Dirty Dozen
during world war ii, a rebellious u.s. army major is assigned a dozen convicted murderers to train and lead them into a mass assassination mission of german officers.
This movie is episode 1 of the series dirty dozen composed by:

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1968 - nomination Best Editing
Assigned to: Michael Luciano

Origin of the subject

Historical episodes of setting


Robert AldrichRobert Aldrichregista

Production and Screenplay

Nunnally JohnsonNunnally Johnsonsceneggiatore
Lukas Hellersceneggiatore
Kenneth Hymanproduttore
Raymond Anzarutproduttore
Lukas Hellesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Ben Carruthers(età:31)
(glenn gilpin)
Tom Busby(età:31)
(milo vladek)
Trini LopezTrini Lopez(età:30)
(pedro jiminez)
Stuart Cooper
(roscoe lever)
Clint WalkerClint Walker(età:40)
(samson posey)
Colin Maitland(età:25)
(seth sawyer)
Robert WebberRobert Webber(età:43)
(gen. denton)
Donald SutherlandDonald Sutherland(età:33)
(vernon pinkley)
Telly SavalasTelly Savalas(età:45)
(archer maggott)
Ralph MeekerRalph Meeker(età:47)
(cap. stuart kinder)
Robert RyanRobert Ryan(età:58)
(col. everett dasher breed)
Al Mancini(età:35)
(tassos bravos)
George KennedyGeorge Kennedy(età:42)
(magg. max armbruster)
Richard JaeckelRichard Jaeckel(età:41)
(serg. bowren)
Jim BrownJim Brown(età:31)
(robert jefferson)
Lee MarvinLee Marvin(età:43)
(magg. john reisman)
Ernest BorgnineErnest Borgnine(età:50)
(gen. worden)
Charles BronsonCharles Bronson(età:47)
(joseph wladislaw)
John CassavetesJohn Cassavetes(età:38)
(victor franko)
Robert Phillips(età:42)
(cpl. morgan)
Hal Galili(età:41)
Dick MillerDick Miller(età:39)
Rocky Taylor(età:22)
Leo Britt(età:59)
Gerard HeinzGerard Heinz(età:63)
Lionel MurtonLionel Murton(età:52)
Alf Joint(età:40)
Mike Reid(età:27)
Michael Segal(età:43)
Aileen LewisAileen Lewis(età:53)
Alan Harris(età:29)
John Tatum(età:56)
Bunny Seaman(età:59)
Hugh Elton(età:44)
Romo GorraraRomo Gorrara(età:35)
Eric Kent(età:30)
Thick Wilson(età:38)
Jeremy WilkinJeremy Wilkin(età:37)
Alan Chuntz(età:40)
Tony Snell(età:32)
Ann Lancaster(età:47)

Technical staff

Michael Lucianomontatore
Edward Scaifedirettore della fotografia
John Poynereffetti speciali
William Hutchinsonscenografo
Cliff Richardsoneffetti speciali
Wally Schneidermantruccatore
Ernest Gassertruccatore
Frank De volFrank De volmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1967)