Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Eagle and the Hawk (1933)

Original title: the eagle and the hawk
Production: USA|70 min| black and white
Dramatic, Action, War
Poster of movie The Eagle and the Hawk

Origin of the subject

Historical episodes of setting


Stuart WalkerStuart Walkerregista
Mitchell LeisenMitchell Leisenregista
Stuart Walkerregista

Production and Screenplay

John Monk Saundersscrittore
Seton I. millerSeton I. millersceneggiatore
Bayard VeillerBayard Veillerproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Carole LombardCarole Lombard(età:25)
(Beautiful Lady)
Cary GrantCary Grant(età:29)
(henry crocker)
Fredric MarchFredric March(età:36)
(jerry young)
Jack OakieJack Oakie(età:30)
(slug ))
Lane ChandlerLane Chandler(età:34)
Olaf HyttenOlaf Hytten(età:45)
Mary Maclaren(età:37)
Crauford Kent(età:52)
Robert SeiterRobert Seiter(età:28)
Ted Billings(età:53)
Frank Tomick(età:39)
Guy Standing(età:60)

Technical staff

John LeipoldJohn Leipoldmusiche
Travis BantonTravis Bantoncostumista
Robert Odellscenografo
Harry Fischbeckdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia ridoppiaggio(1990)