Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Entertainers (1991)

Original title: the entertainers
Production: UK, USA
Poster of movie The Entertainers
bob newhart stars as comedian todd wilson, whose act includes a chimp. linda gray plays laura, the love interest - for todd, not the chimp.


Paul SchneiderPaul Schneiderregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Greenwaldproduttore esecutivo
Carla Singerproduttore esecutivo
Robert Florioproduttore
Scott U. adamproduttore
Philip K. kleinbartproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Bob NewhartBob Newhart(età:62)
Colin Ward(età:67)
Linda GrayLinda Gray(età:49)
Bill ErwinBill Erwin(età:77)
Bernard WhiteBernard White(età:32)
Mark Lonow(età:47)
Perry Sheehan(età:70)
Sly Smith(età:42)
Joey Villa(età:54)

Technical staff

Cory Leriosmusiche
Michael Clausenscenografo
Sally Learcasting
Fran Needhamtruccatore
John D'andreamusiche
Robert Floriomontatore
Joyce Aystacostumista