Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the facts of life (1960)

Original title: the facts of life
Production: USA|108 min| black and white|
Comedy, Comic

Festivals and awards


Melvin Frankregista

Production and Screenplay

Melvin Franksceneggiatore
Norman PanamaNorman Panamasceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

larry gilbert
Bob HopeBob Hope(età:57)
kitty weaver
Lucille BallLucille Ball(età:49)
mary gilbert
Ruth HusseyRuth Hussey(età:46)
jack weaver
Don DeforeDon Defore(età:47)
charles busbee
Louis Nye(età:47)
doc mason
Philip OberPhilip Ober(età:58)
connie mason
myrtle busbee
Hollis IrvingHollis Irving(età:43)
Mike MazurkiMike Mazurki(età:53)
Peter LeedsPeter Leeds(età:43)

Technical staff

Johnny MercerJohnny Mercermusiche
ManFrank Brachtmontatore
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Charles B.langCharles B.langdirettore della fotografia
Leigh HarlineLeigh Harlinemusiche
Edward StevensonEdward Stevensoncostumista
Kenneth A. Reidscenografo
Ross Dowdscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1960)

Carlo RomanoCarlo Romano Voice of Larry