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The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish (1991)

Original title: the favour, the watch and the very big fish
Production: UK|89 min
Poster of movie The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish


Ben Lewinregista

Production and Screenplay

Simon Perryproduttore
Antoine Declermont tonnerreproduttore esecutivo
Michelle Debrocaproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Bob HoskinsBob Hoskins(età:49)
Jeff GoldblumJeff Goldblum(età:39)
Michel BlancMichel Blanc(età:39)
Janine Darcey(età:74)
Mado Maurin(età:76)
Caroline LoebCaroline Loeb(età:36)

Technical staff

Vladimir CosmaVladimir Cosmamusiche
John Grovermontatore
Bernard Zitzermanndirettore della fotografia
Carlos Contiscenografo
Elisabeth Taverniercostumista
Margot Capeliercasting
Pierre Vadéparrucchiere