Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the first time (1969)

Original title: the first time
Production: UK, USA|90 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie the first time
three teen guys decide to lose their virginity. some really want to and some are peer pressured into it.


James Neilsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Allan Carrproduttore
Jo Heimssceneggiatore
Roger SmithRoger Smithproduttore
Roger SmithRoger Smithsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Sharon AckerSharon Acker(età:34)
Gerard Parkes(età:45)
Wes Stern(età:22)
Rickey Kelman(età:20)
Wink Roberts(età:20)
Lee Cosette(età:59)
Leslie Yeo(età:54)

Technical staff

Bud Molinmontatore
Ernest LaszloErnest Laszlodirettore della fotografia
Trevor Williamsscenografo
Kenyon Hopkinsmusiche
Ken Brooketruccatore
Pat Daveyparrucchiere