Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Four Poster (1952)

Original title: the four poster
Production: USA|103 min| black and white
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie The Four Poster

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Irving Reisregista
John Hubleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Stanley KramerStanley Kramerproduttore
Irving Reissceneggiatore
Allan Scottsceneggiatore
Jan De hartogJan De hartogsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

rex harrison
Rex HarrisonRex Harrison(età:44)
lilli palmer
Lilli PalmerLilli Palmer(età:38)

Technical staff

Carl Andersonscenografo
Dimitri TiomkinDimitri Tiomkinmusiche
Hal MohrHal Mohrdirettore della fotografia
Rudolph Sternadscenografo
Henry Batistamontatore
ManLouis Diagescenografo
ManLouis Diagearredatore
ManWilliam Kiernanscenografo
ManWilliam Kiernanarredatore