Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Frontiersmen (1938)

Original title: the frontiersmen
Production: USA|74 min| black and white
Action, Western, Dramatic
Poster of movie The Frontiersmen
This movie is episode 22 of the series Hopalong Cassidy composed by:


Lesley SelanderLesley Selanderregista

Production and Screenplay

Norman Houstonsceneggiatore
Harry Shermanproduttore
Harrison Jacobssceneggiatore
Harrison Jacobsdialoghi

Characters and Interpreters

Tex Phelps(età:36)
Rube Dalroy(età:60)
Jess Cavin(età:53)
ManJack Evans(età:45)
Hopalong Cassidy
Emily FitzroyEmily Fitzroy(età:78)
ladro di bestiame
Bob Woodward(età:29)
Lucky Jenkins
buck peters
cowboy al bar 20
Jim Corey(età:49)
aiutante al bar 20
Henry WillsHenry Wills(età:17)
artie peters
Dickie JonesDickie Jones(età:11)
coro scolastico alla crockett school
june lake
mrs. amanda peters
scagnozzo quirt
John Beach(età:35)
scagnozzo sutton
Roy BarcroftRoy Barcroft(età:36)
sindaco judson thorpe aka dan raleigh (accreditato come charles a. hughes)
Windy Halliday

Technical staff

John LeipoldJohn Leipoldmusiche
Russell HarlanRussell Harlandirettore della fotografia
Sherman A. rosemontatore
Earl Mosercostumista
Lewis J. Rachmilscenografo