Database of cinema, music, history and literature

le furie (1950)

Original title: the furies
Production: USA|109 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Western, Psychological

Festivals and awards


Anthony MannAnthony Mannregista

Production and Screenplay

Niven BuschNiven Buschsceneggiatore
Charles SchneeCharles Schneesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

barbara stanwyck
wendell corey
Wendell CoreyWendell Corey(età:36)
walter huston
Walter HustonWalter Huston(età:66)
judith anderson
gilbert roland
thomas gomez
Thomas GomezThomas Gomez(età:45)
beulah bondi
Beulah BondiBeulah Bondi(età:61)
albert dekker
Albert DekkerAlbert Dekker(età:46)
john bromfield
wallace ford
Wallace FordWallace Ford(età:52)
blanche yurka
Blanche YurkaBlanche Yurka(età:63)
louis jean heydt
frank ferguson
charles evans
Charles EvansCharles Evans(età:65)
myrna dell
Myrna Dell(età:26)
arthur hunnicutt

Technical staff

Franz WaxmanFranz Waxmanmusiche
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Hans DreierHans Dreierscenografo
Victor MilnerVictor Milnerdirettore della fotografia
Henry BumsteadHenry Bumsteadscenografo
Bertram C.grangerscenografo
Jay LivingstonJay Livingstonmusiche
Ray EvansRay Evansmusiche
Wally WestmoreWally Westmoretruccatore
Archie Marshekmontatore
Sam ComerSam Comerscenografo

Voices and Dubbing