Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the ghost breakers (1940)

Original title: the ghost breakers
Production: USA|85 min| black and white|
Comedy, Horror


Paul Dickeyregista

Production and Screenplay

Walter Deleonsceneggiatore
Walter De leonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Bob Hope
Bob HopeBob Hope(età:37)
Paulette Goddard
richard carlson
paul lukas
Paul LukasPaul Lukas(età:49)
Willie BestWillie Best(età:27)
pedro de cordoba
virginia brissac
noble johnson
Noble JohnsonNoble Johnson(età:59)
anthony quinn
Anthony QuinnAnthony Quinn(età:25)
tom dugan
Tom   I DuganTom I Dugan(età:51)
paul fix
Paul FixPaul Fix(età:39)
lloyd corrigan
james blaine
James BlaineJames Blaine(età:43)
david durand
David Durand(età:20)
jack edwards
robert elliott
james flavin
James FlavinJames Flavin(età:34)
robert ryan
Robert RyanRobert Ryan(età:31)

Technical staff

Ernst TochErnst Tochmusiche
Victor YoungVictor Youngmusiche
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Hans DreierHans Dreierscenografo
Charles B.langCharles B.langdirettore della fotografia
Ellsworth Hoaglandmontatore
Farciot EdouartFarciot Edouarteffetti speciali
Robert Usherscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1940)

Rosetta CalavettaRosetta Calavetta Voice of Mary