Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the ghost talks (1929)

Original title: the ghost talks
Production: USA|1975 min| |


Lewis SeilerLewis Seilerregista

Production and Screenplay

Harlan ThompsonHarlan Thompsonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Helen TwelvetreesHelen Twelvetrees(età:22)
(miriam holt)
Charles Eaton
(franklyn green)
Carmel MyersCarmel Myers(età:30)
(marie haley)
Stepin FetchitStepin Fetchit(età:27)
(christopher lee)
Earle FoxeEarle Foxe(età:38)
(heimie heimrath)
Henry Sedley
(joe talles)
Joe Brown(età:45)
(peter accardi)
Clifford Dempsey(età:66)
(john keegan)
Baby Mack
(isobel lee)
Arnold Lucy(età:64)
(julius bowser)
Bess FlowersBess Flowers(età:31)
Dorothy Mcgowan
(miss eva)
Edgar Caldwell(età:14)
(edgar caldwell)

Technical staff

George Meehandirettore della fotografia
Ralph Dietrichmontatore
Dave Stampermusiche