Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the grey fox (1982)

Original title: the grey fox
110 min
Poster of movie the grey fox
when an aging, but gentlemanly stagecoach robber is released from prison, he decides to go to canada to become a train robber.

Festivals and awards


Phillip Borsosregista

Production and Screenplay

Phillip Borsosproduttore
John Huntersceneggiatore
John Hunterscrittore
John Boardproduttore
Pierre Batonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

bill miner / george edwards
katherine 'kate' flynn
jack budd, hotel manager
shorty (william) dunn
sergente fernie
pinkerton detective seavy
Ken PogueKen Pogue(età:48)
Wayne Robson(età:36)
Tom HeatonTom Heaton(età:42)
Garry ChalkGarry Chalk(età:30)
Jack Ackroyd(età:93)
Bill Meilen(età:50)
Peter John(età:39)
Mel Tuck(età:38)

Technical staff

Phyllis NewmanPhyllis Newmantruccatore
Frank Tidydirettore della fotografia
Ilona Hermantruccatore
Frank Irvinemontatore
Bill Brodiescenografo
Ian D. Thomasscenografo
Christopher Ryancostumista