Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Hands of Orlac (1960)

Original title: the hands of orlac
Production: France, UK|95 min| black and white
Horror, Science fiction, Dramatic, Thriller
Poster of movie The Hands of Orlac
a pianist who loses his hands in a plane crash receives the transplanted hands of an executed criminal but his new hands have the murderous tendencies of their previous owner.
The same story is the basis of the movies:


Production and Screenplay

John Bainessceneggiatore
Donald Taylorproduttore
Donald Taylordialoghi
Steven Pallosproduttore
Edmond T. Grevillesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Peter Bennett(età:43)
Mel FerrerMel Ferrer(età:43)
Felix AylmerFelix Aylmer(età:71)
Dany CarrelDany Carrel(età:28)
Donald WolfitDonald Wolfit(età:58)
Basil SydneyBasil Sydney(età:66)
David PeelDavid Peel(età:40)
Janina Faye(età:12)
Aileen LewisAileen Lewis(età:46)
John Tatum(età:49)
Terry Sartain(età:30)
Fred Davis(età:24)
John More(età:57)
John Smart(età:54)

Technical staff

Desmond Dickinsondirettore della fotografia
Claude BollingClaude Bollingmusiche
Stuart Freeborntruccatore
John Blezardscenografo
Jean Ravelmontatore
Barbara Barnardparrucchiere
Jacques Lemaredirettore della fotografia
Eugène Piéracscenografo