Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the harder they fall (1956)

Original title: the harder they fall
Production: USA|113 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Sports

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Mark RobsonMark Robsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Philip Yordansceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Humphrey BogartHumphrey Bogart(età:57)
(Eddie Willis)
Rod SteigerRod Steiger(età:31)
Jan SterlingJan Sterling(età:35)
(jan sterling)
Max BaerMax Baer(età:47)
(Max Baer)
Mike Lane
(Toro Moreno)
Jersey Joe Walcott(età:42)
(jersey joe walcott)
Edward AndrewsEdward Andrews(età:42)
(edward andrews)
Harold J. stoneHarold J. stone(età:43)
(harold j. stone)
Carlos MontalbanCarlos Montalban(età:53)
(carlos montalban)
Nehemiah PersoffNehemiah Persoff(età:37)
Felice OrlandiFelice Orlandi(età:31)
(felice orlandi)
Herbie FayeHerbie Faye(età:57)
Rusty LaneRusty Lane(età:57)
(rusty lane)
Jack AlbertsonJack Albertson(età:49)
Abel FernandezAbel Fernandez(età:26)
(abel fernandez)
Paul FreesPaul Frees(età:36)
(paul frees)
Vinnie De carlo(età:21)
(vinnie de carlo)
Lillian CulverLillian Culver(età:60)
(lillian culver)
William RoerickWilliam Roerick(età:45)
(william roerick)
Everett Glass(età:65)
(everett glass)
Mort MillsMort Mills(età:37)
Val AveryVal Avery(età:32)
Muse WatsonMuse Watson(età:8)
William HenryWilliam Henry(età:38)
Stafford ReppStafford Repp(età:38)
Joseph MellJoseph Mell(età:41)
Dennis MooreDennis Moore(età:48)
Peter LeedsPeter Leeds(età:39)

Technical staff

Burnett GuffeyBurnett Guffeydirettore della fotografia
Hugo FriedhoferHugo Friedhofermusiche
Jerome Thomsmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1956)