the haunting in connecticut (2009)
Original title: the haunting in connecticut
Production: USA|92 min
Horror, Dramatic
Peter Cornwell: regista
Production and Screenplay
Tim Metcalfe: sceneggiatore
Adam Simon: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
sara campbell
Virginia Madsen(età:46)
matt campbell
Kyle Gallner(età:23)
reverendo nicholas popescu
Elias Koteas(età:48)
wendy campbell
Amanda Crew(età:23)
peter campbell
Martin Donovan(età:52)
mary campbell
billy campbell
Ty Wood(età:14)
reverendo popescu
Technical staff
Tom Elkins: montatore
Adam Swica: direttore della fotografia
Alicia Keywan: scenografo
Robert J. kral: musiche
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2009)
Mattia Nissolino Voice of Ty Wood
Maria Letizia Scifoni Voice of Amanda Crew
Roberta Pellini Voice of Virginia Madsen
Massimo Rossi Voice of Martin Donovan
Davide Perino Voice of Kyle Gallner
Agnese Marteddu Voice of Sophi Knight
Stefano De Sando Voice of reverendo popescu