Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Heart of the Matter (1953)

Original title: the heart of the matter
Production: USA|93 min| black and white
Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie The Heart of the Matter

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Ian Dalrympleproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Errol John(età:29)
Ewan Roberts(età:39)
John Rae(età:140)
Peter FinchPeter Finch(età:37)
Maria SchellMaria Schell(età:27)
Trevor HowardTrevor Howard(età:40)
Jack Allen(età:46)
Earl CameronEarl Cameron(età:36)
Peter Burton(età:32)
Linda Gillin(età:49)
Gerard OuryGerard Oury(età:34)

Technical staff

Jack HildyardJack Hildyarddirettore della fotografia
Tony Sforzinitruccatore
Julia Squirecostumista
Joseph Batoscenografo