Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the help (2011)

Original title: the help
Production: USA|146 min
Comedy, Dramatic
Poster of movie the help

Festivals and awards


Tate TaylorTate Taylorregista

Production and Screenplay

Tate TaylorTate Taylorsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

eugenia "skeeter" phelan
Emma StoneEmma Stone(età:23)
aibileen clark
Viola DavisViola Davis(età:46)
minny jackson
celia foot
hilly holbrook
johnny foote
Mike VogelMike Vogel(età:32)
charlotte phelan
signora Walters
Sissy SpacekSissy Spacek(età:62)
stuart whitworth
Chris LowellChris Lowell(età:27)
elizabeth leefolt
Ahna O'reillyAhna O'reilly(età:26)
jolene french
Anna CampAnna Camp(età:29)
robert phelan
Brian KerwinBrian Kerwin(età:62)
mr. blackly
Leslie JordanLeslie Jordan(età:56)
grace higgenbottom
Dana IveyDana Ivey(età:69)
constantine bates
Cicely TysonCicely Tyson(età:87)
elain stein
yule mae davis
pastore green
David OyelowoDavid Oyelowo(età:35)
henry, il cameriere
Nelsan EllisNelsan Ellis(età:34)
mary beth caldwell
celia foote
costantine bates

Technical staff

Thomas NewmanThomas Newmanmusiche
Stephen Goldblattdirettore della fotografia
Sharen Daviscostumista
Hughes Winbornemontatore
Mark RickerMark Rickerscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2011)

Graziella PolesinantiGraziella Polesinanti Voice of costantine bates
Ilaria StagniIlaria Stagni Voice of celia foote

Music tracks of the soundtrack