Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Hours (2002)

Original title: the hours
Production: Canada, France, Germany, UK, USA|110 min
Dramatic, Psychological, Romantic
Poster of movie The Hours
in three different ages, three women live a day confronting their psychological problems. the writer virginia woolf is writing the novel 'msr. dalloway ', forced to live in an environment that she can't stand, hating to be treated for her madness and constantly contemplating suicide. the mother of little richard, waiting for a child, is totally unhappy with the life she is living and she too is driven to despair to try to end her life. clarissa has been involved for years in caring for the poet richard, his former lover, who is sick with aids and is organizing a party to celebrate an award he has just been given. but despite the apparent fortitude, she too shows a great vulnerability.

Festivals and awards

Oscar 2003 - nomination migliore regia
Assigned to: Stephen Daldry
Oscar 2003 - nomination migliori costumi
Assigned to: Ann Roth
Bafta 2003 - nomination Best Director
Assigned to: Stephen Daldry


Stephen DaldryStephen Daldryregista

Production and Screenplay

David HareDavid Haresceneggiatore
Scott RudinScott Rudinproduttore
Robert Foxproduttore
Mark Huffamproduttore esecutivo
Michèle Nadalproduttore
Marieke Spencerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Clarissa Vaughan
Meryl StreepMeryl Streep(età:53)
Toni ColletteToni Collette(età:30)
louis walters
Jeff DanielsJeff Daniels(età:47)
Laura Brown
nelly boxall
Linda BassettLinda Bassett(età:52)
Virginia Woolf
Nicole KidmanNicole Kidman(età:35)
richie brown
Jack RovelloJack Rovello(età:8)
Richard Brown
Ed HarrisEd Harris(età:52)
Julia Vaughan
Claire DanesClaire Danes(età:23)
Vanessa Bell
Leonard Woolf
Quentin Bell
Julian Bell
Angelica Bell
Lottie Hope
Nelly Boxall, governante
Linda BassettLinda Bassett(età:52)
Ralph Partridge
Dan Brown
signora Latch
commesso dell'hotel
Colin Stinton(età:55)
Sally Lester
Barbara, nel negozio di fiori
Eileen AtkinsEileen Atkins(età:68)
Clarissa giovane

Technical staff

Philip GlassPhilip Glassmusiche
Richard Straussmusiche
Seamus McgarveySeamus Mcgarveydirettore della fotografia
Ann RothAnn Rothcostumista
Maria Djurkovicscenografo
Paul Engelentruccatore
Alan D'angerioparrucchiere
Betsy Pollockcasting
Peter Owentruccatore
Mark Raggettscenografo
Daniel Sweecasting
Peggy Schierholzparrucchiere
Stuart Brisdoneffetti speciali
Jo Allentruccatore
Paul Goochparrucchiere
Conor O'sullivantruccatore
Lisa Patnoetruccatore
Ivana Primoracparrucchiere
Judy Rheescenografo
Jay Cannistracitruccatore
J. Roy hellandparrucchiere
Nick Palmerscenografo
Duncan Jarmantruccatore
Kerry Warnparrucchiere
Chris LyonsChris Lyonstruccatore
Gretchen Davistruccatore
Nuala Conwayparrucchiere
Richard Glasstruccatore
Edward st. Georgeparrucchiere
Elaine l. Offerstruccatore
Stuart Conrantruccatore
Robin Schoonraadtruccatore
Patsy Pollockcasting
Eva Polywkatruccatore
Sarah Astleyparrucchiere
Chris Fitzgeraldtruccatore
Philippa Hartarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)