Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the house i live in [corto] (1945)

Original title: the house i live in
11 min| black and white| short
Poster of movie the house i live in [corto]
teaches a group of young boys a lesson in religious tolerance.

Festivals and awards


Mervyn LeroyMervyn Leroyregista

Production and Screenplay

Mervyn LeroyMervyn Leroyproduttore
Albert Maltzsceneggiatore
Albert Maltzscrittore
Frank Rossproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Frank SinatraFrank Sinatra(età:30)
Teddy InfuhrTeddy Infuhr(età:9)
Harry Mckim(età:15)
Ronnie Ralph(età:12)
Merrill Rodin(età:15)
Axel Stordahl(età:32)

Technical staff

Earl Robinsonmusiche
Philip Martinmontatore
Robert De grasseRobert De grassedirettore della fotografia