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The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) (2011)

Original title: the human centipede 2 (full sequence)
91 min
Horror, Dramatic, Violence
Poster of movie The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)
This movie is episode 2 of the series Human Centipede composed by:


Tom Sixregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom Sixproduttore
Tom Sixsceneggiatore
Tom Sixscrittore
Ilona Sixproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

dr. sebring
signora lomax
miss yennie
martin lomax
Dieter LaserDieter Laser(età:69)

Technical staff

Jane Wagnertruccatore
Emma j. Slatertruccatore
Helen Rowetruccatore
Harriet Thompsontruccatore
John Schoonraadtruccatore
John Schoonraadeffetti speciali
David Meadowsdirettore della fotografia
Nigel de Hondmontatore
Thomas Stefanscenografo
Nicole Nicolaoutruccatore
Catherine Mednicktruccatore