Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild (2022)

Original title: the ice age adventures of buck wild
Production: USA|82 min
Animation, Adventure, Fantasy
Poster of movie The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild
This movie is episode 6 of the series ice age composed by:


John C. Donkinregista

Production and Screenplay

William Schifrinsceneggiatore
Lori Forteproduttore esecutivo
Jim Hechtsceneggiatore
Jim Hechtscrittore
Ray Delaurentissceneggiatore
Rick Mischelproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

additional voices

Technical staff

Micah Dahlbergcasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2022)

Germano Gentile Voice of Orson
Leo GullottaLeo Gullotta Voice of Manny
Gabriele SabatiniGabriele Sabatini Voice of Eddie
Dario OppidoDario Oppido Voice of Diego
Daniela AbbruzzeseDaniela Abbruzzese Voice of Ellie
Lucia OconeLucia Ocone Voice of Zee
Massimo GiulianiMassimo Giuliani Voice of Buck
Claudio BisioClaudio Bisio Voice of Sid
Francesco PezzulliFrancesco Pezzulli Voice of Crash

Version Originale(2022)

Dominique Jennings Voice of Ellie
Simon PeggSimon Pegg Voice of Buck
Jake Green Voice of Sid
Vincent TongVincent Tong Voice of Crash
Justina MachadoJustina Machado Voice of Zee
Sean Kenin Voice of Manny
Aaron Harris Voice of Eddie
Utkarsh AmbudkarUtkarsh Ambudkar Voice of Orson
Skyler StoneSkyler Stone Voice of Diego