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The Importance of Being Earnest [filmTV] (1988)

Original title: the importance of being earnest
110 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie The Importance of Being Earnest [filmTV]

Origin of the subject


Stuart BurgeStuart Burgeregista

Production and Screenplay

Shaun Suttonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Alec Mccowen(età:63)
Paul McGannPaul McGann(età:29)
Rupert Frazer(età:41)
Gemma JonesGemma Jones(età:46)
Amanda RedmanAmanda Redman(età:31)
John WoodnuttJohn Woodnutt(età:64)
Natalie Ogle(età:30)
John Quarmby(età:59)

Technical staff

Ilona Sekaczmusiche
Michael Burdlecostumista
Toni Chapmantruccatore