Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the importance of being ernest (1952)

Original title: the importance of being earnest
Production: UK|90 min|
Comedy, Equivocations

Festivals and awards


Anthony AsquithAnthony Asquithregista

Production and Screenplay

Anthony AsquithAnthony Asquithsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael RedgraveMichael Redgrave(età:44)
(Jack Worthing)
Michael RedgraveMichael Redgrave(età:44)
(michael redgrave)
Michael RedgraveMichael Redgrave(età:44)
(Jack 'Ernesto')
Michael DenisonMichael Denison(età:37)
(agenore moncrieff)
Edith EvansEdith Evans(età:64)
(lady augusta bracknell)
Joan GreenwoodJoan Greenwood(età:31)
(guendolina fairfax)
Dorothy TutinDorothy Tutin(età:22)
(cecilia cardew)
Margaret RutherfordMargaret Rutherford(età:60)
(miss letizia prism)
Miles MallesonMiles Malleson(età:64)
(reverendo chasuble)
Aubrey MatherAubrey Mather(età:67)
Richard WattisRichard Wattis(età:40)
Walter HuddWalter Hudd(età:55)
Ivor Barnard(età:65)
((non accreditato))

Technical staff

Carmen DillonCarmen Dillonscenografo
Desmond Dickinsondirettore della fotografia
Beatrice Dawsoncostumista
George Blacklertruccatore
John D. Guthridgemontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1952)