Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the incredible journey (1963)

Original title: the incredible journey
80 min
Comedy, Action, Dramatic
Poster of movie the incredible journey
the story of three pets, a cat and two dogs, who lose their owners when they are all on vacation.
The same story is the basis of the movies:


Fletcher MarkleFletcher Markleregista

Production and Screenplay

Walt DisneyWalt Disneyproduttore
James Algarproduttore
James Algarsceneggiatore
Jack CoufferJack Coufferproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Tommy Tweed(età:56)
voce narrante
signora hunter
peter hunter
bert oakes
signora oakes
Beth Amos(età:47)
james mackenzie
nell mackenzie
carl nurmi
Jan Rubes(età:43)
signora nurmi
helvi numi
james hunter
John Drainie(età:47)
john longridge
Emile Genest(età:42)
elizabeth hunter

Technical staff

Emile KuriEmile Kuriscenografo
Emile KuriEmile Kuriarredatore
Carroll ClarkCarroll Clarkscenografo
ManCharles S.thompsonscenografo
ManCharles S.thompsonarredatore
Pat Mcnalleytruccatore
Kenneth PeachKenneth Peachdirettore della fotografia
John B. Mansbridgescenografo
ManNorman Palmermontatore
Chuck Keehnecostumista
Norman R. palmermontatore
Oliver WallaceOliver Wallacemusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1963)

Giuseppe RinaldiGiuseppe Rinaldi Voice of voce narrante

Version Originale(1963)

Rex AllenRex Allen Voice of voce narrante