Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Innocence (2019)

Original title: la inocencia
Production: Spain|92 min
Poster of movie The Innocence
lis enjoys one more summer with her friends. the town's lack of intimacy, enforced by scandalmonger neighbours, means she keeps her relationship status secret, but the end of summer arrives with an unpleasant surprise.

Festivals and awards


Lucía Alemanyregista

Production and Screenplay

Juan Gordonproduttore
Lucía Alemanysceneggiatore
Lucía Alemanyscrittore
Laia Solersceneggiatore
Laia Solerscrittore
Lina Badenesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Sergi LopezSergi Lopez(età:54)
Laia MarullLaia Marull(età:46)
Joel BosquedJoel Bosqued(età:29)

Technical staff

Giovanna Ribescostumista
Òscar Senénmusiche
Joan Borderadirettore della fotografia
Juliana Montañésmontatore
Déborah Borquecasting
Asier Musituscenografo