Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Intervention (2016)

Original title: the intervention
Production: USA|90 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Psychological
Poster of movie The Intervention
a weekend getaway for four couples takes a sharp turn when one of the couples discovers the entire trip was orchestrated to host an intervention on their marriage.

Festivals and awards


Clea DuVallClea DuVallregista

Production and Screenplay

Clea DuVallClea DuVallproduttore esecutivo
Clea DuVallClea DuVallsceneggiatore
David Bernonproduttore esecutivo
Sam Slaterproduttore
Sev Ohanianproduttore
Mel Eslynproduttore esecutivo
Paul Bernonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Clea DuVallClea DuVall(età:39)
Jason RitterJason Ritter(età:36)
Alia ShawkatAlia Shawkat(età:27)
Ben SchwartzBen Schwartz(età:35)
Kira PozehlKira Pozehl(età:34)
Sam Slater(età:32)

Technical staff

Elle Favoruletruccatore
Darbie Wieczorekparrucchiere
Polly Morgandirettore della fotografia
Tamara Meemmontatore
Amey Renécasting
Sara Quinmusiche
Alex Simonecostumista

Music tracks of the soundtrack