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The Iron Giant (1999)

Original title: the iron giant
Production: Australia, UK|86 min
Science fiction, Action, Dramatic, Animation, Comedy
Poster of movie The Iron Giant


Brad BirdBrad Birdregista

Production and Screenplay

Brent Forrestersceneggiatore
Brad BirdBrad Birdsceneggiatore
Brad BirdBrad Birdscrittore
Tim Mccanliessceneggiatore
Des Mcanuffproduttore
John WalkerJohn Walkerproduttore
Allison Abbateproduttore
Pete TownshendPete Townshendproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

hogarth hughes
il gigante di ferro
kent mansley
dean mccoppin
annie hughes
generale rogard
marv loach, floyd turbeaux
sig.ra linley
earl stutz
Marv Loach

Technical staff

Michael KamenMichael Kamenmusiche
Marci Liroffcasting
Darren T. Holmesmontatore
Mark Whitingscenografo
Steven Wilzbachdirettore della fotografia
Ray Aragoneffetti speciali

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1999)

Francesca FiorentiniFrancesca Fiorentini Voice of annie hughes
Gabriele PatriarcaGabriele Patriarca Voice of hogarth hughes
Vittorio AmandolaVittorio Amandola Voice of generale rogard
Luca BiaginiLuca Biagini Voice of kent mansley
Bruno AlessandroBruno Alessandro Voice of Marv Loach
Alessandro QuartaAlessandro Quarta Voice of dean mccoppin

Version Originale(1999)

James GammonJames Gammon Voice of marv loach, floyd turbeaux
Harry Connick jrHarry Connick jr Voice of dean mccoppin
Eli MarienthalEli Marienthal Voice of hogarth hughes
Cloris LeachmanCloris Leachman Voice of sig.ra linley
Jennifer AnistonJennifer Aniston Voice of annie hughes
Vin DieselVin Diesel Voice of il gigante di ferro
M. Emmet WalshM. Emmet Walsh Voice of earl stutz
John MahoneyJohn Mahoney Voice of generale rogard
Christopher McdonaldChristopher Mcdonald Voice of kent mansley