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the jewel of the nile (1985)

Original title: the jewel of the nile
Production: USA|105 min|
Comedy, Action, Adventure
Poster of movie the jewel of the nile


Lewis TeagueLewis Teagueregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael DouglasMichael Douglasproduttore
Lawrence Konnersceneggiatore
Mark Rosenthalsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael DouglasMichael Douglas(età:41)
(jack t. colton)
Kathleen TurnerKathleen Turner(età:31)
(Joan Wilder)
Avner Eisenberg(età:37)
Danny DeVitoDanny DeVito(età:41)
Holland TaylorHolland Taylor(età:42)
Daniel Peacock(età:27)
(rock promoter)
Spyros FokasSpyros Fokas(età:48)

Technical staff

Jack NitzscheJack Nitzschemusiche
Peter Boitamontatore
Michael Ellismontatore
Emma Porteouscostumista
Damien Lanfranchiscenografo
Leslie Tomkinsscenografo
Jan De BontJan De Bontdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1985)

Music tracks of the soundtrack