Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the ladykillers (1955)

Original title: the ladykillers
Production: UK|91 min
Comedy, Thriller, Crazy
Poster of movie the ladykillers
five diverse oddball criminal types planning a bank robbery rent rooms on a cul-de-sac from an octogenarian widow under the pretext that they are classical musicians.
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Seth Holtproduttore
Alexander MackendrickAlexander Mackendricksceneggiatore
ManWilliam Rosesceneggiatore
ManWilliam Rosescrittore
Michael Balconproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

professor Marcus
Alec GuinnessAlec Guinness(età:41)
sergente macdonald
signora louisa wilberforce
Katie JohnsonKatie Johnson(età:77)
harry ("signor robinson")
Peter SellersPeter Sellers(età:30)
one-round ("signor lawson")
claude ("major courtney")
Cecil ParkerCecil Parker(età:58)
louis ("signor harvey")
Herbert LomHerbert Lom(età:38)
Ewan Roberts(età:41)
Danny Green(età:52)
Jack WarnerJack Warner(età:60)
Robert Moore(età:28)
Neil WilsonNeil Wilson(età:39)
Edie MartinEdie Martin(età:75)
Leonard Sharp(età:65)
Aileen LewisAileen Lewis(età:41)
Jack Melford(età:56)
John Rudling(età:48)

Technical staff

Tristram Carymusiche
Jack Harrismontatore
Otto Hellerdirettore della fotografia
Anthony MendlesonAnthony Mendlesoncostumista
Jim Morahanscenografo
Sydney Pearsoneffetti speciali
Alex Garfathtruccatore
Daphne Martinparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing