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the land before time 14: journey of the brave [filmTV] (2016)

Original title: the land before time 14: journey of the brave
82 min| tv movie
Action, Animation, Musical
Poster of movie the land before time 14: journey of the brave [filmTV]
after his father doesn't return from an important journey, littlefoot and company set out to find him.
This movie is episode 14 of the series alla ricerca della valle incantata composed by:


Davis Doiregista
Bunis Yangregista

Production and Screenplay

Cliff Rubysceneggiatore
Elana Lessersceneggiatore
Amy Belisleproduttore
Bunis Yangproduttore
Deirdre Brennerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

ducky / digger
ruby, ducky e la madre di spike
madre di cera e petrie
nonna longneck
signor threehorn
nonno longneck
wild arms
yutyrannus(solo effetti sonori originali)

Technical staff

Michael Taveramusiche
Susan Blucasting
Robert Mcgeecasting
Ruth Lambertcasting
Luke Guidicimontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Originale(2016)

Miriam Flynn Voice of nonna longneck
Meghan Strange Voice of ruby, ducky e la madre di spike
Frank WelkerFrank Welker Voice of yutyrannus(solo effetti sonori originali)
Reba McEntireReba McEntire Voice of etta
Jeff Bennett Voice of Petrie
Scott Whyte Voice of Bron
Aria Noelle Curzon Voice of Ducky
Tony AmendolaTony Amendola Voice of narratore
Rob PaulsenRob Paulsen Voice of Spike
Issac Brown Voice of chomper
Anndi McafeeAnndi Mcafee Voice of madre di cera e petrie
Felix AvitiaFelix Avitia Voice of littlefoot
Damon Wayans jr.Damon Wayans jr. Voice of wild arms
Barry BostwickBarry Bostwick Voice of nonno longneck
George Ball Voice of signor threehorn