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the land before time 7: the stone of cold fire [filmTV] (2000)

Original title: the land before time vii: the stone of cold fire
Production: USA|75 min| tv movie
Action, Animation, Dramatic
Poster of movie the land before time 7: the stone of cold fire [filmTV]
a mysterious object crashes near the great valley, and petrie's untrustful uncle arrives in search of it, believing it to be "a storm of cold fire", a susposed rock of great powers.
This movie is episode 7 of the series alla ricerca della valle incantata composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Charles Grosvenorproduttore
Len Uhleysceneggiatore
Daniel j. Wileyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

padre di tricky
spike / rinkus
mamma di ducky / mamma di petrie
rainbow face #2
rainbow face #1
madre di petrie

Technical staff

James HornerJames Hornermusiche
Michael Taveramusiche
Susan Blucasting
Danail Getzmusiche
Danik Thomasmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)

Diego SabreDiego Sabre Voice of sierra
Davide GarbolinoDavide Garbolino Voice of Petrie
Riccardo LombardoRiccardo Lombardo Voice of pterano
Marco BalzarottiMarco Balzarotti Voice of padre di tricky
Antonio GuidiAntonio Guidi Voice of nonno
Debora MagnaghiDebora Magnaghi Voice of Ducky
Anna Maria Mantovani Voice of nonna
Dania CericolaDania Cericola Voice of rainbow face #1
Stefano AlbertiniStefano Albertini Voice of rinkus
Sonia MazzaSonia Mazza Voice of Piedino
Pietro UbaldiPietro Ubaldi Voice of Spike
Marcella SilvestriMarcella Silvestri Voice of madre di petrie
Sergio RomanòSergio Romanò Voice of rainbow face #2

Version Originale(2000)

Jim CummingsJim Cummings Voice of sierra
John Ingle Voice of padre di tricky
Tress Macneille Voice of mamma di ducky / mamma di petrie
Miriam Flynn Voice of nonna
Rob PaulsenRob Paulsen Voice of spike / rinkus
Patti Deutsch Voice of rainbow face #2
Thomas DekkerThomas Dekker Voice of Piedino
Kenneth MarsKenneth Mars Voice of nonno
Jeff Bennett Voice of Petrie
Charles KimbroughCharles Kimbrough Voice of rainbow face #1
Anndi McafeeAnndi Mcafee Voice of tricky
Zoë Gulliksen Voice of Lydia