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the land before time 8: the big freeze [filmTV] (2001)

Original title: the land before time viii: the big freeze
Production: USA|75 min| tv movie
Animation, Dramatic, Action
Poster of movie the land before time 8: the big freeze [filmTV]
This movie is episode 8 of the series alla ricerca della valle incantata composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Charles Grosvenorproduttore
John Loysceneggiatore
Daniel j. Wileyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

madre di Ducky
voce narrante
padre di tricky
madre di petrie
sig. nasotozzo
madre di tippy

Technical staff

James HornerJames Hornermusiche
Michael Taveramusiche
Susan Blucasting
Danail Getzmusiche
Danik Thomasmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)

Debora MagnaghiDebora Magnaghi Voice of Ducky
Anna Maria Mantovani Voice of nonna
Jenny De CesareiJenny De Cesarei Voice of tippy
Dania CericolaDania Cericola Voice of madre di Ducky
Jasmine LaurentiJasmine Laurenti Voice of tricky
Sonia MazzaSonia Mazza Voice of Piedino
Milena Albieri Voice of madre di tippy
Raffaele FarinaRaffaele Farina Voice of voce narrante
Antonio GuidiAntonio Guidi Voice of nonno
Riccardo LombardoRiccardo Lombardo Voice of coda-a-lancia
Davide GarbolinoDavide Garbolino Voice of Petrie
Maurizio Scattorin Voice of sig. nasotozzo
Pietro UbaldiPietro Ubaldi Voice of Spike
Marco BalzarottiMarco Balzarotti Voice of padre di tricky

Version Originale(2001)

Rob PaulsenRob Paulsen Voice of Spike
Jeff Bennett Voice of Petrie
John Ingle Voice of padre di tricky
Miriam Flynn Voice of nonna
Susan KrebsSusan Krebs Voice of madre di tippy
Aria Noelle Curzon Voice of Ducky
Tress Macneille Voice of madre di petrie
Kenneth MarsKenneth Mars Voice of nonno
Anndi McafeeAnndi Mcafee Voice of tricky
Thomas DekkerThomas Dekker Voice of Piedino
Tress Macneille Voice of madre di Ducky
Robert GuillaumeRobert Guillaume Voice of sig. nasotozzo