Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the last angry man (1959)

Original title: the last angry man
Production: USA|100 min| black and white|
Comedy, Dramatic

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1960 - nomination miglior attore
Assigned to: Paul Muni


Daniel Mannregista

Production and Screenplay

Richard Murphysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

medico ebreo
Paul MuniPaul Muni(età:64)
sam abelman
Paul MuniPaul Muni(età:64)
wilson trasher
David WayneDavid Wayne(età:45)
anna thrasher
Betsy PalmerBetsy Palmer(età:33)
dott. max vogel
Luther Adler(età:56)
Bill QuinnBill Quinn(età:47)
Ned GlassNed Glass(età:53)
Joanna MooreJoanna Moore(età:25)
Paul LangtonPaul Langton(età:46)
Dan TobinDan Tobin(età:49)

Technical staff

Carl Andersonscenografo
James Wong howeJames Wong howedirettore della fotografia
George DuningGeorge Duningmusiche
William R.kiernanscenografo