Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the last mimzy (2007)

Original title: the last mimzy
Production: USA|94 min
Science fiction, Adventure
Poster of movie the last mimzy

Festivals and awards


Robert ShayeRobert Shayeregista

Production and Screenplay

Bruce Joel RubinBruce Joel Rubinsceneggiatore
Toby Emmerichsceneggiatore
James V. Hartsceneggiatore
James Hartsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

noah wilder
emma wilder
jo wilder
david wilder
larry white
Rainn WilsonRainn Wilson(età:41)
naomi schwartz
Kathryn HahnKathryn Hahn(età:34)
agente nathanial broadman
sheila broadman
harry jones
Marc MussoMarc Musso(età:12)
julie, la babysitter
dottor arnold rose
scienziato della intel
Brian Greene(età:44)

Technical staff

Howard ShoreHoward Shoremusiche
Roger WatersRoger Watersmusiche
Alan Heimmontatore
Barry Chusidscenografo
J. Michael murodirettore della fotografia
Karen L. matthewscostumista