Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1929)

Original title: the last of mrs. cheyney
Production: USA|94 min| black and white
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie The Last of Mrs. Cheyney

Origin of the subject


Sidney FranklinSidney Franklinregista

Production and Screenplay

Claudine Westsceneggiatore
Irving G.thalbergIrving G.thalbergproduttore
Hanns KrälyHanns Krälysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Fay Cheyney
Norma ShearerNorma Shearer(età:27)
lord Arthur Dilling
lord Elton
signora Webley
lady maria
Hedda HopperHedda Hopper(età:44)
Moon Carroll(età:37)

Technical staff

Cedric GibbonsCedric Gibbonsscenografo
Douglas G.shearerDouglas G.shearertecnico del suono
William AxtWilliam Axtmusiche
Edwin B. WillisEdwin B. Willisscenografo
Edwin B. WillisEdwin B. Willisarredatore
Conrad A. NervigConrad A. Nervigmontatore
William H. DanielsWilliam H. Danielsdirettore della fotografia