Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the ledge (2011)

Original title: the ledge
Production: USA|101 min
Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie the ledge


Matthew Chapmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Matthew Chapmansceneggiatore
Terrence HowardTerrence Howardproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Charlie HunnamCharlie Hunnam(età:31)
Liv TylerLiv Tyler(età:34)
Terrence HowardTerrence Howard(età:42)
Patrick WilsonPatrick Wilson(età:38)
Christopher GorhamChristopher Gorham(età:37)
Jaqueline Fleming(età:34)

Technical staff

Bobby Bukowskidirettore della fotografia
Nathan BarrNathan Barrmusiche
ManAlex Hallmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2011)