Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Legend of Hell's Gate: An American Conspiracy (2011)

Original title: the legend of hell's gate: an american conspiracy
Production: USA|108 min
Action, Western, Adventure
Poster of movie The Legend of Hell's Gate: An American Conspiracy
the story of how 'hell's gate' at possum kingdom lake, texas came to have its name. relive the story of how three outlaws' expeditions and encounters through historical 1870s texas were remembered for a lifetime.


Tanner BeardTanner Beardregista

Production and Screenplay

Suzanne Weinertproduttore
Tanner BeardTanner Beardproduttore
Tanner BeardTanner Beardsceneggiatore
Tanner BeardTanner Beardscrittore
Jay Michaelsonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Lou Taylor PucciLou Taylor Pucci(età:26)
Eric BalfourEric Balfour(età:34)
(will edwards)
Henry ThomasHenry Thomas(età:40)
(john st. helens)
Jenna DewanJenna Dewan(età:31)
(katherine prescott)
Summer GlauSummer Glau(età:30)
(maggie moon)
Kevin AlejandroKevin Alejandro(età:35)
(august edwards)
Tanner BeardTanner Beard(età:27)
(james mckinnon)
James LaffertyJames Lafferty(età:26)
(eigson howard)
Robert BuckleyRobert Buckley(età:30)
(bacas mitchell)
Jim BeaverJim Beaver(età:61)
(j. wright mooar)
Barry Tubb(età:48)
Buck TaylorBuck Taylor(età:73)
Ryan LeeRyan Lee(età:15)
Jeff Schwan(età:51)
Brendan WayneBrendan Wayne(età:39)
Shane Hunter(età:23)
Wally WelchWally Welch(età:64)
Farah WhiteFarah White(età:41)
Lukas BehnkenLukas Behnken(età:32)
Eddie Spears(età:29)
Jim Henry(età:52)
Drew WatersDrew Waters(età:38)

Technical staff

Sig Demiguelcasting
Kari Perkinscostumista
Jacenda Burketttruccatore
Yvonne Boudreauxscenografo
Marlene D. Whitonparrucchiere
Nathanael Vorcedirettore della fotografia
Steven Garciamontatore
Lexie Beardmusiche
Christopher Stullscenografo
Stephen Vincentcasting
Terri Ewtonparrucchiere
Leola Perezparrucchiere
Bart Brownarredatore