Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Lion King (2019)

Original title: the lion king
Production: USA|118 min
Dramatic, Action, Animation
Poster of movie The Lion King
after the murder of his father, a young lion prince flees his kingdom only to learn the true meaning of responsibility and bravery.
The same story is the basis of the movies:
This movie is episode 13 of the series Remake Live Action Disney composed by:

Festivals and awards


Jon FavreauJon Favreauregista

Production and Screenplay

Jon FavreauJon Favreauproduttore
Brenda Chapmanscrittore
Julie TaymorJulie Taymorproduttore esecutivo
Jeff NathansonJeff Nathansonsceneggiatore
Jeffrey Silverproduttore
Thomas Schumacherproduttore esecutivo
John Bartnickiproduttore
Karen Gilchristproduttore
Jim Shamoonproduttore
Mario Zvanproduttore
Debbi Bossiproduttore
Tom C. peitzmanproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

simba giovane
simba giovane (dialoghi)
simba giovane (canto)
nala giovane (dialoghi)
nala giovane (canto)
nala giovane
simba adulto
guinea fowl
nala adulta
bush baby
elephant shrew

Technical staff

Hans ZimmerHans Zimmermusiche
Caleb DeschanelCaleb Deschaneldirettore della fotografia
Robert LegatoRobert Legatoeffetti speciali
James Chinlundscenografo
Sarah Finncasting
Mark Livolsimontatore
Adam GerstelAdam Gerstelmontatore
Andrew R. joneseffetti speciali
Adam Valdezeffetti speciali
Elliot Newmaneffetti speciali
Helena Holmesscenografo
Vlad Binascenografo
Ken Eglyeffetti speciali

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2019)

Simone Iuè Voice of simba giovane (canto)
ElisaElisa Voice of nala adulta
Emiliano ColtortiEmiliano Coltorti Voice of zazu
Antonella GianniniAntonella Giannini Voice of sarabi
Vittorio Thermes Voice of simba giovane (dialoghi)
Massimo PopolizioMassimo Popolizio Voice of Scar
Toni GarraniToni Garrani Voice of rafiki
Alessandro BudroniAlessandro Budroni Voice of kamari
Stefano FresiStefano Fresi Voice of pumbaa
Chiara Vidale Voice of nala giovane (canto)
Paolo VivioPaolo Vivio Voice of azizi
Marco MengoniMarco Mengoni Voice of simba adulto
Edoardo LeoEdoardo Leo Voice of Timon
Alice Porto Voice of nala giovane (dialoghi)
Rossella AcerboRossella Acerbo Voice of shenzi
Luca WardLuca Ward Voice of mufasa

Version Originale(2019)

Billy EichnerBilly Eichner Voice of Timon
John KaniJohn Kani Voice of rafiki
Keegan-Michael KeyKeegan-Michael Key Voice of kamari
Seth RogenSeth Rogen Voice of pumbaa
Shahadi Wright Joseph Voice of nala giovane
Eric Andre Voice of azizi
Chiwetel EjioforChiwetel Ejiofor Voice of Scar
Donald GloverDonald Glover Voice of simba adulto
Florence KasumbaFlorence Kasumba Voice of shenzi
James Earl JonesJames Earl Jones Voice of mufasa
BeyoncéBeyoncé Voice of nala adulta
Jd Mccrary Voice of simba giovane
John OliverJohn Oliver Voice of zazu
Alfre WoodardAlfre Woodard Voice of sarabi