Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)

Original title: the little shepherd of kingdom come
Production: USA|108 min
Dramatic, Western, Romantic
Poster of movie The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come
an orphan fights for the north in the civil war, then returns to his girlfriend in kentucky.


Production and Screenplay

Maury Dexterproduttore
Barre Lyndonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

melissa turner
Luana PattenLuana Patten(età:23)
maggiore buford
Chill WillsChill Wills(età:59)
margaret dean
caleb turner
Robert Dix(età:26)
nathan dillon
gen. dean
Neil HamiltonNeil Hamilton(età:62)
mrs. turner
mrs. dean
Lois January(età:49)
Morris AnkrumMorris Ankrum(età:65)
Russ BenderRuss Bender(età:51)
Lane ChandlerLane Chandler(età:62)
Nelson LeighNelson Leigh(età:56)
Helen Scott(età:46)
Ollie O'tooleOllie O'toole(età:49)
Walter BaconWalter Bacon(età:70)
Diana Darrin(età:28)
Glen Walters(età:60)
Chester Jones(età:62)
Ken Miller(età:30)
Jerry Chiat(età:30)

Technical staff

Floyd CrosbyFloyd Crosbydirettore della fotografia
Carl PiersonCarl Piersonmontatore
Joseph Kisharredatore
Henry Varsmusiche
Jack Obringertruccatore
John B. Mansbridgescenografo