Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Longest Yard (1974)

Original title: the longest yard
Production: USA|121 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Sports
Poster of movie The Longest Yard
a sadistic warden asks a former pro quarterback, now serving time in his prison, to put together a team of inmates to take on (and get pummeled by) the guards.
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1975 - nomination Best Editing
Assigned to: Michael Luciano


Robert AldrichRobert Aldrichregista
Hal NeedhamHal Needhamassistente alla regia

Production and Screenplay

Tracy Keenan Wynnsceneggiatore
Albert S. ruddyAlbert S. ruddyproduttore
Albert S. ruddyAlbert S. ruddyscrittore
Alan P. horowitzproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds(età:39)
(Paul Crewe)
James HamptonJames Hampton(età:38)
(james "custode" farrell)
Michael ConradMichael Conrad(età:49)
(allenatore Nate Scarborough)
Ed LauterEd Lauter(età:36)
(capitano wilhelm knauer)
Eddie AlbertEddie Albert(età:66)
(warden r. hazen)
Bernadette PetersBernadette Peters(età:26)
( toot, la segretaria di hazen)
Mike Henry(età:38)
Joe KappJoe Kapp(età:36)
(walking ross)
Richard KielRichard Kiel(età:35)
Ray NitschkeRay Nitschke(età:38)
Robert TessierRobert Tessier(età:40)
(connie shokner)
Tony Cacciotti(età:35)
Anitra Ford(età:32)
Joe DorseyJoe Dorsey(età:42)
John SteadmanJohn Steadman(età:65)
Lance FullerLance Fuller(età:46)
Harry Caesar(età:46)
Pepper MartinPepper Martin(età:38)
Sonny ShroyerSonny Shroyer(età:39)
Chuck HaywardChuck Hayward(età:54)
Alfie Wise(età:31)
Kevin Spirtas(età:39)
George Jones(età:43)
Tony Reese(età:55)
Mort Marshall(età:56)
Jack Rockwell(età:84)

Technical staff

Michael Lucianomontatore
Raphaël Brettonarredatore
Tom Ellingwoodtruccatore
Charles E. jamescostumista
Joseph F. BirocJoseph F. Birocdirettore della fotografia
Frank De volFrank De volmusiche
James Dowell vancescenografo
Guy del Russotruccatore
Joyce Selznickcasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1974)