Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the lords of salem (2012)

Original title: the lords of salem
Production: USA|101 min
Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Poster of movie the lords of salem


Rob ZombieRob Zombieregista

Production and Screenplay

Rob ZombieRob Zombieproduttore
Rob ZombieRob Zombiesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

heidi hawthorne
francis matthias
herman whitey salvador
lacy doyle
herman jackson
margaret morgan
Meg FosterMeg Foster(età:64)
alice matthias
aj kennedy
reverendo jonathan hawthorne
virgil magnus
dean magnus
priscilla reed
Richard LynchRichard Lynch(età:72)
Dee WallaceDee Wallace(età:64)
Judy GeesonJudy Geeson(età:64)
Lisa MarieLisa Marie(età:44)
Bruce DavisonBruce Davison(età:66)
Andrew PrineAndrew Prine(età:76)
Ken ForeeKen Foree(età:64)
Sid HaigSid Haig(età:73)
Sheri MoonSheri Moon(età:42)

Technical staff

Glenn Garlandmontatore
Brandon Trostdirettore della fotografia
John 5John 5musiche
Griffin Boicemusiche
Leah Butlercostumista
Michelle Deneringtruccatore
WomanJennifer Spencescenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2012)