Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the man and his women (1978)

Original title: ziegfeld: the man and his women
Production: USA|150 min| |


Buzz KulikBuzz Kulikregista

Production and Screenplay

Joanna Leesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Paul ShenarPaul Shenar(età:42)
(Florenz Ziegfeld)
Samantha EggarSamantha Eggar(età:39)
(Billie Burke)
David Levy (attore)
(Irving Berlin)
Barbara ParkinsBarbara Parkins(età:36)
(Anna Held)
Pamela Peadon
(Marilyn Miller)
Valerie PerrineValerie Perrine(età:35)
(lillian lorraine)
Gene Mclaughlin
(Will Rogers)
Richard Shea
(Eddie Cantor)
David Downing(età:35)
(bert williams)
Inga SwensonInga Swenson(età:46)
(nora bayes)
Ron Husmann(età:41)
(jack norworth)
Frances Lee MccainFrances Lee Mccain(età:34)
Cliff NortonCliff Norton(età:60)
(abe erlanger)
David OpatoshuDavid Opatoshu(età:60)
(sig. ziegfeld)
Nehemiah PersoffNehemiah Persoff(età:59)
(Charles Frohman)
Richard B. Shull(età:49)
(joseph ervin)
Walter Willison(età:31)
(frank carter)
Penny Ciarlo
(olive thomas)
David Griffiths
(william somerset maugham)