Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Man from Oran (2014)

Original title: l'oranais
Production: Algeria, France|128 min
Dramatic, Storico
Poster of movie The Man from Oran
during the first years of algeria's independence, djaffar and hamid embrace a bright and promising future. after several decades, secrets and betrayals drive them apart.

Festivals and awards


Lyès SalemLyès Salemregista

Production and Screenplay

Lyès SalemLyès Salemsceneggiatore
Isabelle Madelaineproduttore
Yacine Lalouiproduttore
Richard Djoudiproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Djemel BarekDjemel Barek(età:51)
Lyès SalemLyès Salem(età:41)

Technical staff

Pierre Cottereaudirettore della fotografia
Tibor Doraarredatore
Florence Ricardmontatore
Sarah Tepercasting
Leila Fourniercasting
Cédric Henryscenografo
Carole Cholletcostumista