Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the man in the net (1959)

Original title: the man in the net
Production: USA|99 min| black and white
Thriller, Crime


Michael CurtizMichael Curtizregista

Production and Screenplay

ManReginald Rosesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Alan LaddAlan Ladd(età:46)
(John Hamilton)
Carolyn JonesCarolyn Jones(età:30)
(linda hamilton)
Diane BrewsterDiane Brewster(età:28)
(vickie carey)
John LuptonJohn Lupton(età:31)
(brad carey)
Charles McgrawCharles Mcgraw(età:45)
(sceriffo steve ritter)
Tom HelmoreTom Helmore(età:55)
(gordon moreland)
Betty Lou Holland(età:34)
(roz moreland)
Edward BinnsEdward Binns(età:43)
(capitano green)
Kathryn Givney
(mrs. carey)
Barbara Beaird(età:11)
(emily jones)
Susan Gordon(età:10)
(angel jones)
Michael McgreeveyMichael Mcgreevey(età:11)
(buck ritter)
Charles Herbert(età:11)
(timmie moreland)
Alvin Childress(età:52)
Steven PerrySteven Perry(età:7)
Douglas Evans(età:55)
(charles raines)
mr. carey

Technical staff

John F.seitzJohn F.seitzdirettore della fotografia
Emile Lavignetruccatore
Milt Riceeffetti speciali
Hans J. SalterHans J. Saltermusiche
Victor A. gangelinVictor A. gangelinscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1959)