Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the man who never was (1956)

Original title: the man who never was
Production: UK|103 min|
Dramatic, Action, Thriller

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Ronald NeameRonald Neameregista

Production and Screenplay

Nigel BalchinNigel Balchinsceneggiatore
André Hakimproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

ewen montagu
Clifton WebbClifton Webb(età:63)
george acres
Lucy Sherwood
Patrick O'Reilly
Stephen BoydStephen Boyd(età:28)
amm. cross
gen. nye
Geoffrey KeenGeoffrey Keen(età:40)
padre del defunto
ammiraglio Cross
Cyril CusackCyril Cusack(età:46)
generale Nye
Geoffrey KeenGeoffrey Keen(età:40)
sir bernard spilsbury
André MorellAndré Morell(età:47)
gen. coburn
vice ammiraglio
Joan HicksonJoan Hickson(età:50)
Peter SellersPeter Sellers(età:31)
Lloyd LambleLloyd Lamble(età:42)

Technical staff

Oswald MorrisOswald Morrisdirettore della fotografia
Harold Fletchertruccatore
Alan Rawsthornemusiche
John HawkesworthJohn Hawkesworthscenografo
ManSam Bensoncostumista
Peter M. Taylormontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1956)