Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Man Who Sold His Skin (2020)

Original title: the man who sold his skin
104 min
Poster of movie The Man Who Sold His Skin
his own body turned into a living work of art and promptly exhibited in a museum, sam, a syrian refugee, will soon realize to have sold away more than just his skin.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Kaouther Ben Haniasceneggiatore
Philippe Logieproduttore
Anthony Muirproduttore
Nadim Cheikhrouhaproduttore esecutivo
Simon Ofenlochproduttore
Martin Hampelproduttore
Annabella Nezriproduttore
Andreas Rocksénproduttore
Habib Attiaproduttore esecutivo
William Johanssonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

madre di Sam
sam ali